The fabulous ice cream of Malai

Wouldn’t you want to try ice cream & sorbet infused with decadent intense flavors that make you go “woah” and then “mmmm yum.”

Flavors like masala chai, jaggery with tamarind caramel, sweet corn saffron, rose with cinnamon roasted almonds, pineapple pink peppercorn, passion fruit cilantro and sooo many more fabulous combinations are sure to take your spirit on a global adventure.

I love that Pooja has brought more than ice cream and sorbet into her business venture. She’s making things like Gulab Jamun cake infused with saffron syrup and filled with their rose cinnamon roasted almond ice cream!

And look at this Chaat Party Box! I love a good collab this one is with Pooja Bavishi and Chef Maneet Chauhan. The flavors of the ice cream and sorbets with various special toppings are inspired by Pooja’s mother. You can also get a copy of the lovey Maneet’s cookbook with the collection of good stuff!

Us alliance ladies had a great time at Malai with the lovely founder Pooja Bavishi and we are sure to return!